yamakyu - ヤマキュー企画は2003年以来、奄美の自然保護をアピールし続けています -Yamakyu Planning has been promoting the Amami nature conservation since 2003.


++ (奄美群島地域)通訳案内ガイド ++

++ Guide to interpreters in the Amami archipelago area ++

  • Yamakyu provides an English translation guide service in the Amami archipelago area.
  • An Amami archipelago regional interpreter guide will guide you.Please state your requirements when making a reservation.
  • The place we can show you is basically on the main island of Amami Oshima. For example, Cape Ayamaru, Tomori Beach, Amami Park, Ohama Beach, Kochiyama Observatory, Honohoshi Beach, Brown Sugar Shochu(distilled liquor) Factory, Mangrove Canoe Experience Facility, Souvenir Shops, etc. We can also guide you to places recommended by Yamakyu. If you would like other than Amami Oshima main island, please let us know(Contact form here).

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